Excerpt from the examination report of Mr. Kaushik, New Delhi, India

I have examined all the questioned and admitted signatures thoroughly and carefully with the help of various magnifying lenses, geometrical instruments and scientific instruments available in the lab at different enlargement and from different angles.

All the questioned and admitted signatures were marked in the office of J.K. Consultancy. The questioned signature marked Q1 JKC appears to be drawn slow in execution, is tremerous in nature and has a defective line quality. Wheres admitted signature marked as A1 JKC is freely written, shows normal consistency and genuine line quality.

The questioned signature marked Q1 JKC and admitted signature marked as A1 JKC when superimposed on each other than fit exactly on each other i.e. same in size, shape, slant etc etc which is a sign of forgery as it is not possible for a person to do two exact signatures.

These signatures are reproduction of one and the same model. This forgery appears to have been done by any method of tracing i.e. carbon tracing, intended tracing, forgery by facing paper, transmitted image and scanned image etc.

Full text of this graphological assessment (as PDF file) can be found here.