Excerpt from the graphological assessment of Mr. Ciccolo, Bologna, Italy
The complexity of a graphic gesture, which certainly applies to Osho’s signature, characterized by a graphic style which does not lie within any conventional or calligraphic pattern, requires certain observations on the act of writing, meant as the product of a wide range of variables, which include psychic, cerebral and neuromuscular components.
As a dynamic production of human beings, handwriting cannot be interpreted as a static, inanimate and predetermined product, since it is subject to the laws of flow regulating the natural processes of changes; as a consequence, a person’s handwriting undergoes continuous changes, it is different for each human situation, diversifies and becomes multiple, despite the preservation of a “uniform graphic style”.
This fundamental principle entails the universally accepted axiom that there cannot be two naturally identical handwritings or signatures.
A hand is not a printer, therefore it will never be able to reproduce identical shapes.
In the light of these fundamental premises, an analysis and systematic comparison between the signature bearing the name “Osho” (X) at the bottom of the will dated 15th October 1989 and the comparison signatures makes it possible to detect, without any reasonable doubts, the artificiality of the test signature, which was executed by means of a photographic montage.
It is possible to prove that it is a fake by showing that the signature bearing the name “Osho” (X) perfectly overlaps the signature (A) at the bottom of Osho’s handwritten letter in 1976.
Full text of this graphological assessment (as PDF file) can be found here.