European Trademark Case: Osho
Osho Festival in Riccione, Italien: Konsenquenzen für Therapeuten
Bei einem alljährlich stattfindendem Osho Festival in Riccione in Italien gab es dieses Jahr eine böse Überraschung. Gleich drei geladene Osho Therapeuten wurden für die zukünftigen Festivals ausgeladen.
Die Veranstalter des Festivals erklärten ihnen, dass sie als Osho-Therapeuten, die in dem Verfahren zur Löschung des Warenzeichens „OSHO“ eine eidesstattliche Erklärung abgegeben haben, nicht mehr willkommen seien. Wo komme man denn hin – so argumentierten die Veranstalter – wenn der Name Osho einfach frei benutzt werden könne. Missbrauch werde dadurch Tür und Tor geöffnet. Ihnen gehe es um Qualität. Wo Osho drauf steht, solle auch Osho drin sein!
Sie schienen bei dieser Argumentation völlig außer Acht zu lassen, dass für Qualitätssicherung in diesem Falle überhaupt kein Warenzeichen erforderlich ist. Es steht ihnen völlig frei, wen sie einladen wollen oder auch nicht einladen wollen.
Worum ging es ihnen also wirklich?
Den drei des Feldes verwiesenen Osho-Therapeuten sollte anscheinend klar gemacht werden, dass man nicht ohne Konsequenzen mit einer eidesstattlichen Erklärung das Löschungsverfahren unterstützen darf, selbst wenn die Erklärung zutrifft und somit die Wahrheit entspricht. Und sie sollten am besten ihre frevelhafte Tat einsehen und ihre Erklärung zurückziehen. Dann seien sie in der Riccione-Karavane des Glücks wieder willkommen. Auch konnte man Anderen mit dieser Maßnahme demonstrieren: Es gibt klare Vorstellungen, was Richtig und Falsch ist und wer dem nicht folgt, der muss mit Konsequenzen rechnen…
Fraglich ist nur, ob die Veranstalter selbst auf die Idee gekommen waren, die Osho-Therapeuten auszuladen, oder ob der Anstoß nicht von der Osho International Foundation Zürich kam, der das betreffende Warenzeichen gehört. Dies wäre nicht nur eine „Retour-Kutsche“ für die Erklärung in dem Löschungsverfahren, sondern – vor allem erkennbar – ein Versuch, deutlich zu demonstrieren, was in der Osho-Welt gehen darf und was nicht.
Klarer kann es wohl kaum werden, wohin Jayeshs Vision von Macht und Kontrolle in der Osho-Welt führt: zu einer Trademark-Religion, in der selbsternannte Päpste und Kardinäle bestimmen, was „Osho“ sein soll and was nicht.
Bleibt die Frage offen, wer bzw. welche Osho Zentren sich dies gefallen lassen. Schließlich eröffnet das Trademark auch die Möglichkeit, für Lizenzen und Genehmigungen kräftig abzukassieren und das für unbegrenzte Zeit (im Gegensatz zu den Copyrights, die automatisch nach 70 Jahren erlöschen)!
Bei allen an diesem Thema beteiligten Personen gibt es niemanden, der Oshos klare Vorstellung in Frage stellt: Die Zentren sollen frei sein – höchstens spirituell miteinander verbunden (spiritually affiliated) – und sie sollten rechtlich und finanziell unabhängig sein!
Wie es scheint, hört Jayesh Osho aus dem Jenseits sprechen. Und er hört erstaunlicherweise Worte, die dem, was Osho zu Lebzeiten öffentlich sagte, völlig widersprechen.
Ein Schelm, wer dabei Böses denkt.
PS: Inzwischen wurden weiteren Therapeuten, die eine eidesstattliche Erklärung abgegeben haben, per die E-Mail die Teilnahme an dem Osho Festival in Zukunft untersagt.
Osho Festival in Riccione, Italy: Consequences for Therapists
There was a bad surprise at this year’s Osho Festival in Riccione, Italy: Three of the officially invited Osho therapists were removed from the attendance list for future festivals.
The festival organizers told them that they were no longer welcome because they were among the Osho therapists who have submitted affidavits in the legal proceedings seeking the cancellation of the trade mark „Osho“. Their argument was that allowing uncontrolled use of the name „Osho“ would create free-for-all opportunities, opening it up to indiscriminate abuse. They emphasized that they were concerned about quality, about ensuring that if the name „Osho“ is on the label, then the contents of the package should really be Osho!
This argument makes no sense, because a trade mark is not needed for this kind of quality control. It is entirely in the hands of the organizers whom they invite to their festival and whom they do not want to invite for whatever reason.
So what was their real motive?
What the festival organizers were really saying to the three banned therapists was this: You can’t support the cancellation of the trade mark „Osho“ with an affidavit without consequences, even if it is stating the truth. So you had better confess to the iniquity of your deed, repent and retract your affidavit. Then you will be welcome back into the fold of the blessed. At the same time with this action also sent a message to others, making it clear to them that there are now clear new definitions of Right and Wrong, and those who do not obey can expect to suffer swift retribution…
The question was, whether it was the organizers own idea to ‘uninvite’ the Osho therapists or whether it was due to Osho International Foundation Zürich intervention that owns the trademark which is at the center of the litigation. This would not only be a revenge for the affidavits given by the therapists but would also give a clear demostration of what is allowed in the world of Osho and what is not allowed.
There can be no clearer demonstration of where Jayesh’s vision of power and control in the Osho world is leading: to a trademark religion, in which self-ordained popes and cardinals take it upon themselves to dictate what is „Osho“ and what is not.
The open question now is who – or which Osho centers – is going to submit to this foolishness. After all, having a trade mark also makes it possible to make a lot of money from licenses and permits, and that without any time limits (Unlike copyrights, trademarks do not automatically expire after seventy years!)
What is important to understand here is, that nobody involved in any of this – on both sides – questions Osho’s basic and very clear stance on the matter: That the meditation centers should be free and independent, both legally and financially, and at the most only spiritually affiliated.
However, it seems that Jayesh is now hearing Osho speaking to him from the beyond. And amazingly enough, what he is hearing is the complete opposite of Osho’s own public statements while he was alive.
Honi soit qui mal y pense! (Shamed be he who thinks evil of it!)
PS: Meanwhile more therapists, that gave an affidavit have been informed by email, that they are no longer welcome in the Osho festival in Ricchione.
How can you support us?
First, you can simply spread the word to your friends. The more people know about the actual background in the trademark case, the better.
Second, an effort to delete the trademark „OSHO“ from the register of the European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market is expensive. Everyone who feels like to contribute to our work financially is welcome!
Here our bank details:
Recipient: Osho Lotus commune e.V.
Account-Nr.: 124 013 401
BLZ: 370 400 44
Bank: Commerzbank KölnReason for payment: Trademark-case
For foreign bank transfers:IBAN: DE59 3704 0044 0124 0134 01
Or here is our PayPal account: -
Wie können Sie uns unterstützen?
Erstens, können Sie die Information, die Sie hier auf die Seite finden, einfach weitersagen. Je mehr Leute wissen worum es im Verfahren eigentlich geht, desto besser.
Zweitens, bringt das Verfahren zur Löschung des Warenzeichens „OSHO“ bei dem Europäischen Amt zur Harmonisierung des Marktes hohe Kosten mit sich. Jeder dem es möglich ist, uns dabei finanziell zu unterstützen ist willkommen!
Hier unsere Bankverbindung:
Empfänger: Osho Lotus commune e.V.
Konto-Nr.: 124 013 401
BLZ: 370 400 44
Bank: Commerzbank Köln
Verwendungszweck: Trademark-casefür Auslandsüberweisungen:
IBAN: DE59 3704 0044 0124 0134 01
BIC: COBADEFFXXXOder hier ist unseres PayPal Konto:
Worum es geht?
Auf der Website der Osho International Foundation Zürich (OIF) nimmt diese zu dem Löschungsverfahren Stellung, das vom Osho Lotus Commune e.V., dem Trägerverein des Kölner Osho UTA Meditationszentrums, gegen die Handelsmarke bzw. das Warenzeichen „OSHO“ in Europa eingeleitet worden ist.
Entgegen dem Eindruck, den OIF zu erwecken versucht, geht es in dem vorliegenden Verfahren keinesfalls um einen Angriff auf die Verbreitung bzw. Vermarktung von Osho Büchern und Diskursen. Die umfangreichen Unterlagen und Erklärungen, die OIF in dem Verfahren insofern eingereicht hat, sind daher weitestgehend irrelevant, weil es in dem Verfahren gar nicht um die Urheberrechte an den Büchern und Diskursen von Osho geht. Es geht in dem Verfahren auch nicht um den Schutz von Oshos Vision vor Missbrauch.
Es geht ausschließlich um die Frage, ob OIF mit Hilfe einer Markeneintragung den Namen „Osho“ für sich monopolisieren kann, um dann zu entscheiden, wer den Namen „Osho“ für Meditationszentren, Meditationsangebote, Therapien, Trainings,
Festivals etc. noch verwenden darf und in welcher Weise dies zu geschehen hat.Letztlich geht es um den Versuch, mit Hilfe einer Marke ein weltweites Franchise-System aufzubauen, bei dem OIF über Lizenzverträge sämtliche Osho-Center, Osho-Therapeuten und Osho-Aktivitäten kontrollieren kann. Und das will uns OIF allen Ernstes als „Oshos Vision“ verkaufen!
Oshos Vision war Freiheit – die Vision von Michael Byrne (auch bekannt als Jayesh), der in dem Verfahren für OIF eine Erklärung abgegeben hat, ist Macht und Kontrolle. Man sollte daher ehrlicherweise von Michael Byrne und seiner Vision sprechen.
Osho wollte, dass alle Center unabhängig und frei arbeiten können:
Die Zentrale wird meine Bücher veröffentlichen, meine Audio-Tapes, meine Videos; sie wird alle möglichen Arten von Arbeiten verrichten. Aber sie hat keinerlei Dominanz über irgendjemanden. Alle Kommunen dieser Welt sind unabhängig. Alle Zentren sind vollkommen frei. Niemand gibt ihnen Richtlinien… Die Zentrale hat in keiner Weise Macht über irgendeinen Sannyasin, über irgendein anderes Zentrum oder irgendeinen Ashram oder andere Kommunen.
Osho, Das letzte Testament, Band 6, Kapitel 12Osho Global Connections war darin bei der weltweiten Vernetzung von Sannyasins und deren Aktivitäten eine besondere Rolle zugedacht. Die Mitbegründerin von Osho Global Connections beschreibt Oshos Input zu Osho Global Connections aus dem Jahr 1989 (diese Aussagen wurden in das Verfahren als eidestattliche Erklärung eingebracht):
Er wollte, dass es ein weltweites Netzwerk gibt und er betonte, dass es eine sehr lockere Verbindung sein sollte… Er sagte, dass es ein sehr loses Netzwerk sein sollte und in keiner Weise kontrolliert oder kontrollierend. Ganz besonders wollte er, dass die Zentren unabhängig sind. Er machte uns ganz besonders darauf aufmerksam, dass es keinerlei Kontrolle oder Beherrschung geben sollte – etwas, das es in der Vergangenheit gegeben hatte in der Zeit, als er in Oregon lebte.
USA, 1981 – 1985
Entsprechend wurde in den Handbüchern für Centerleiter von 1990, 1992 und 1996 nie eine Marke, ein „Trademark“, auf den Namen Osho reklamiert. Lediglich für zwei Logos (Swan logo, two birds logo) wird auf eine eingetragene Marke hingewiesen.
Erst 1998 – also acht Jahre nach Oshos Tod! – wurde erstmalig eine Marke „Osho“ für „educational services; yoga instruction; religious services; meditation services“ beantragt. (um diese Marke geht es in diesem Verfahren!)
So sollten alle die, die seit vielen Jahren frei und unabhängig ihr Verständnis von Oshos Vision in die Welt brachten, nachträglich unter die Kontrolle von OIF gebracht werden. Dieses Vorgehen erinnert an die Politik von Sheela Silverman in den Jahren 1982 bis 1985 – eine Zeit, in der sie Oshos Sekretärin war und Osho keine öffentlichen Diskurse gab. In einem Interview, das Osho im Dezember 1985 der deutschen Osho Times gab, sagte er dazu Folgendes:
Ich will überhaupt keine Strukturen. Denn alle Strukturen schaffen eine gewisse Art von Sklaverei. Und genau das haben Sheela und ihre Bande gemacht. Strukturen können besser funktionieren. Sklaverei funktioniert immer besser. Ein freier unabhängiger Geist ist immer ein Problem. Denn er denkt. Er stimmt Dir vielleicht nicht zu. Doch Freiheit ist wertvoller als alle möglichen funktionalen, praktischen Spiele. Freiheit darf keinem anderen Wert geopfert werden.
Es entspricht einem allgemeinen Verständnis, dass der Name Osho für den Mann steht, der in der Zeit von 1931 bis 1990 auf diesem Planeten gelebt hat. Er steht für dessen Vision und Lehre. Er steht nicht als Warenzeichen für Meditationsangebote.
Die Verantwortlichen des Osho Uta Instituts und des Kölner Buddhafeldes – und mit ihnen viele andere Freunde und Lovers von Osho (es gibt in dem Verfahren über 30(!) eidesstattliche Erklärungen von Osho-Therapeuten, Centerleitern und Sannyasins zu Gunsten der Löschung der Marke) – sind nicht bereit, zu akzeptieren, dass sich OIF den Namen Oshos aneignet, da dies vollkommen dem widerspricht, wofür Osho steht. Deshalb wurde das Löschungsverfahren gegen Handelsmarke bzw. das Warenzeichen „OSHO“ eingeleitet.
How was the trade mark „OSHO“ deleted in USA?
In December, 2000, Osho Friends International (OFI), an association founded to resist the efforts of the proprietor of the contested CTM to control and monopolize the vision and name of Osho, filed a petition to cancel the US trade marks
- No. 1,815,840 „Osho“
(for education books and printed teachings materials in the field of religion and philosophy),
- No. 2,174,607 „Osho“
(for providing religion, philosophy and science information via a global computer network),
- No. 2,180,173 „Osho“
(for pre-recorded audio and video tapes in the fields of education, religion, philosophy and science) and
- No. 2,322,901 „Osho Rebalancing“
(for books and printed materials for education purposes in the field of religion and philosophy).
OFI also opposed the following applications for registration on the ground of mere descriptiveness, namely
- No. 75683097 „OSHO“
(for „educational services, namely, conducting individual sessions, workshops, retreat, seminars, groups, courses and training in the field of the teachings of the mystic Osho“), - No. 76158893 „OSHO TIMES“
(for „on-line periodical relating to the spiritual and mystical teachings of the mystic Osho“), - No. 76158893 „OSHO TRANSFORMATION TAROT“
No. 76158893 „OSHO ZEN TAROT“
(for „instructional books and playing cards for the game of Tarot; entertainment services, namely, providing an on-line computer game“)
Upon a hearing on 30 October, 2008, the United States Patent and Trademark Office rendered the following decision:
Plaintiff’s petition to cancel is hereby granted on the ground of genericness as to Registration Nos. 1815840;2180173; and 2174607.
Plaintiff’s petition is further granted on the ground of mere descriptiveness as to Registration No. 2322901. Accordingly, these registrations will be cancelled in due course.
Plaintiff’s oppositions to the registration of application Serial Nos. 75834601; 76159554; 76159553; 76060676; 75683097; 76210213; 76158894; 76158895; and 76158803 are sustained on the ground of mere descriptiveness.“and the extract from the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database of the US Patent and Trademark Office listing all trade marks containg the word „OSHO“ as „dead“.
NOTE: The above section is taken from the first formal submission
full version as PDF file - No. 1,815,840 „Osho“
Why should the trade mark „OSHO“ be deleted in Europe?
There are several absolute grounds for invalidity of the trade mark „OSHO“ today:
- Lacking distinctivness and descriptive character of the contested Community trade mark „OSHO“
„OSHO“ is the personal name of a well-known Indian mystic, spiritual leader and founder of a new world-view / phylosophy whose fame and prominence is based among others on the creation of new kinds of meditations into which his visions have flown and, as such, a reference to the person himself.For this reason, his lifework as well as his vision, teachings and meditations making the word „OSHO“ an indication of the content of the categories of goods and services concerned, various trade marks „OSHO“ have already been cancelled in the USA for descriptiveness resp. genericness.
The situation is the same in the European Union, in particular in Germany as a relevant part of the EU in the meaning of Article 7(2) CTMR, as there the public perception of „OSHO“ is the same as in the USA. This does not conflict with the fact that the meditations and visions which are contained in, implemented or referred to by the good and services concerned, or which may have inspired the good and services concerned, are the lifework of the one particular person.
- Contradiction of the contested Community trade mark to public policy or to accepted principles of morality
According to Article 7(1)(f) CTMR, a sign shall not be registered as a trade mark if it is contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of moraliry.The relevant public will be offended at the legal monopolization of the name of a spiritual leader and founder of a new world-view / philosophy — like in the case of trade marks like „Buddha“ or „Dalailama“ which have been cancelled for this reason.
NOTE: The above section is taken from the first formal submission
full version as PDF file - Lacking distinctivness and descriptive character of the contested Community trade mark „OSHO“
Who is responsible for creating the trade mark „OSHO“?
The proprietor of the contested Community trade mark, Osho International Foundation, is a Swiss nonprofit corporation, incorporated in 1984 as Rajneesh Foundation Europe. It later changed its name to Neo-Sannyas Internation Foundation, and still later in 1990 to Osho International Foundation.
Soon after Osho’s death in 1990 attempts were made to monopolize the legacy of Osho: his art, his unique signatures and even meditation techniques were applied for trade marks in USA and other countries, while Osho’s name was used by people connected to him to refer to his vision, teachings, meditations and lifework and their work that had been inspired by him and his teachings in general ever since Osho had taken his name in 1989. This attempt failed when the US trade marks were cancelled respectively rejected for genericness / descriptiveness.
Ten years after Osho had taken the name „Osho“, the proprietor of the contested CTM tried to usurp Osho’s name also across the European Union by registering it inter alia as the contested Community trade mark no. 1 224 832 „OSHO“. It was obvious that at that time, the name of Osho had broadly been used as a reference to his vision, teachings, meditations and lifework and goods and services inspired by him and his teachings in general, and that the latter goods and services had been produced independently by hundreds of individuals and meditation centers.
Nevertheless, by monopolizing the name of Osho being the found of a new world-view / philosophy, the proprietor of the contested CTM is trying to get control over the content of meditations, therapies and teachings as well as the underlying world-view, vision and philosophy, allowing it to purport in its own discretion what may be referred to as the right interpretation of Osho’s vision and teachings. Registering „OSHO“ was simply about the attempt of a small group of would-be leaders to put themselves in the place of Osho and to get control over people connected to and inspired by Osho and their independent work by monopolizing the key descriptor that puts into one word an entire mysticism. Osho himself never purported to do this during his lifetime.
NOTE: The above section is taken from the first formal submission
full version as PDF file -
What is the story with the trademark „OSHO“ about?
On their website, Osho International Foundation Zurich (OIF) has published a statement on the legal proceedings for the cancellation of the brand or trade mark „OSHO“ in Europe that have been initiated by Osho Lotus Commune e.V., the parent organization of the Osho Uta Meditation Center in Cologne.
Contrary to the impression that Osho International Foundation Zürich (OIF) attempts to create, these proceedings are not a challenge to the worldwide distribution and marketing of Osho’s books and lectures. The extensive documents and statements that OIF has submitted in the proceedings on this subject are thus largely irrelevant, because the case does not have anything to do with the rights to Osho’s books and lectures. The case is also not about protecting Osho’s vision against abuse.In fact, this case is just about one thing: Whether OIF is to be able to use a trademark registration to monopolize the name „Osho“, in order to gain the power to decide who is to be permitted to use the name „Osho“ for meditation centers, meditation programs, therapy, training courses, festivals and so on, and to control how the name is to be used.
Ultimately, this is an attempt to use a trademark to establish a worldwide franchising system with which OIF would be able to use licensing agreements to control all Osho centers, Osho therapists and Osho-related activities. OIF is seriously attempting to sell us this attempt as „Osho’s vision“!
Osho’s vision was freedom. The vision of Michael Byrne (also known as Jayesh), is power and control. It would thus be more honest to speak of Michael Byrne and his vision.
Osho wanted all meditation centers to be able to be free and independent:
The world headquarters will be publishing my books, will be releasing my tapes, my videotapes, will be doing every kind of work. But it has no domination over anybody. All communes of the world are independent. All centers of the world are absolutely free. They are under nobody´s guidance… The world headquarters is not in any way a power over any sannyasin, over any other sannyas center, ashrams, communes.
Osho, The Last Testament, Vol. 6 Chapter 12
Osho Global Connections was to be given a special role in the worldwide network of sannyasins and their activities. In the following quote the co-founder of Osho Global Connections, describes how Osho expressed his own wishes for Osho Global Connections in 1989 (these statements have been included in the case material as an affidavit):He wanted to have a worldwide network and emphasized that he wanted a loose connection… He said the network should be just very loose and not controlled in any way. Especially he wanted the centers to be independent. He especially made us aware that he did not want any control and domination – something that had been happening in the past, while he was in Oregon (USA).
In accordance with this, no trade mark claims were ever made for the name Osho in the Center Handbooks in 1990, 1992 and 1996. Registered trade mark claims were only noted for two logos (the swan logo and the two birds logo).
It was not until 1998 – a full eight years after Osho’s death! – that a trade mark application was filed for the name „Osho“ for „educational services; yoga instruction; religious services; meditation services“. And this is the trade mark that this court case is about!
The objective is to enable OIF to control all the hitherto free and independent people who have for many years been sharing their understanding of Osho’s vision with the world. These actions are reminiscent of the tactics used by Sheela Silverman in the time between 1982 and 1985, when Sheela was Osho’s secretary and Osho was not giving any public lectures. Osho spoke on this subject in an interview that he gave to the German edition of the Osho Times in 1985, saying
I don’t want any structure, because all structures create a certain kind of slavery. And that’s what was being done by Sheela and her gang. She was creating structures; structures can function better. Slavery always functions better. An independent mind is always a problem. He may not agree with you. But freedom is more valuable than any functional, practical gains. Everything can be sacrificed to freedom. Freedom cannot be sacrificed to anything.
It is simply common sense that the name Osho stands for the man who lived on this planet from 1931 until 1990. It stands for his vision and his teachings. It does not stand for a trade mark for meditation products.
Those of us responsible for the Osho Uta Institute and the Cologne Buddhafield, and with us many other friends and lovers of Osho (including the over thirty Osho therapists, center leaders and sannyasins who have submitted affidavits calling for the deletion and revocation of the trademark), are not willing to permit OIF to appropriate Osho’s name in this fashion, because this would contradict everything for which Osho stood and stands. And this is why we have initiated these legal proceedings for the cancellation of „Osho“ as a trade mark.